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Meet Laurie Yoshihara

Hello Sharks and Shark Families,


For those of you who have not met me yet, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  I have been a teacher in the public schools for 20 years, but over the past few years I have felt that switching to work for the Adventist school system was where I was meant to be.  Last year I applied to be principal of PSAA and KSDA and the boards agreed that I was meant to be here as well!  


I have been a part of the shark family since 2019 when my daughter began attending PSAA.  My son joined her in 2021 and this year he will be a senior.  In addition, I have coached track at PSAA for three years, so my face may be familiar to some of you.  


Recently, in staff worship we were talking about the body of Christ.  In the body of Christ, we all have different roles.  Perhaps I am the foot, with my own set of particular skills to move the school along.  Perhaps a teacher here is the eyes that helps us to see the future of what the school can be.  We cannot function without the particular gifts that each person brings to the school community.  In the same way that the body of Christ is made up of many members, you are an important part of this shark family.  God has called each one of us to be here, and I look forward to seeing what He can accomplish in each one of us!  


I look forward to welcoming you to campus. If you see me, please introduce yourself to me so that I can meet each member of this blessed shark family.


God bless!


Laurie Yoshihara 

Aka:  Ms. Yoshi 

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