Bible I (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
The involvement of God in the life of the individual is the emphasis of this class. First semester begins with a look at the Bible as the source of our beliefs and practices and continues to examine evidence from the Old Testament that God can be trusted. The second semester looks at the life of Christ as the clearest evidence of God’s desire to be a part of our lives.
Bible II (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course is guided by the Adventist Encounter Curriculum, which seeks to teach not only about God but to provide experiences of God’s Presence through the classroom. The main topics of study are titled as follows: “Hosea: Extreme Love,” “David: After His Heart,” “Jesus: Messages from His Heart,” “Acts: A Heart to Share,” “My Heart: Living in the Waiting.” In addition, key moments in Seventh-Day Adventist history are covered as well as pivotal passages in the writings of Ellen G. White. The textbook for this class is the Bible, which students open often to read, study, and encounter God’s wisdom and Presence.
Bible III (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
Junior Bible or Bible Doctrines focuses on the beliefs held by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and will examine how each of these doctrines relate to the person of Jesus Christ and His will for us. Special attention will be given to events just prior to the Second Coming and the opportunity of sharing the Good News of His coming with others.
Bible IV (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course is guided by the Adventist Encounter Curriculum, which seeks to teach not only about God but to provide experiences of God’s Presence through the classroom. The main topics of study are titled as follows: “World Religions and My Faith,” “Ethics and Morality,” “My Relationships,” and “The Gospel of John.” In addition, one major topic is covered from several perspectives throughout the year: worldview. The textbook for this class is the Bible, which students open often to read, study, and encounter God’s wisdom and Presence.
ESL– Introduction to the Bible (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
A course designed to introduce students to Christianity to non-native English speakers. The class will cover the basic tenants of the Christian faith and the unique beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This will be done through inductive Bible study as well as discussions, which will allow students the opportunity to explore different worldviews and how they compare to Christianity. The class will also analyze Christian philosophy and culture in the modern era as it relates to Christianity.
Algebra I (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course provides the fundamental groundwork for algebra. Topics include real numbers and their relationship to algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, functions, polynomials and graphs. Student will practice problem solving including linear equations and systems of equations and inequalities. This course is preparatory for Algebra II and Geometry.
Algebra II (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course extends the topics covered in the first-year Algebra course and introduces several new topics. Included are functions, linear equations and inequalities, matrices, polynomials and quadratics, rational expressions, irrational and complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometry. Prerequisite: C- or above in Algebra I or permission from the teacher.
Geometry (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
Geometry introduces the study of points, segments, triangles, polygons, circles, solid figures, and their associated relationships as a mathematical system. Emphasis is placed on the description and use of inductive, deductive, and intuitive reasoning skills. Powers of abstract reasoning, spatial visualization and logical reasoning patterns are improved through this course. Prerequisite: C- or above in Algebra I or permission from the teacher.
PreCalculus (2 Semesters, 1 Credit – High School; 3 Semester Credits – College)
PreCalculus is offered for concurrent college credit. This course integrates and extends topics from Algebra II and Geometry and introduces new topics. Various fundamental functions are studied as well as systems of equations and inequalities, conic sections, sequences and probability. Graphing and problem solving are emphasized. There is extensive work with trigonometry. Introductory Calculus is explored. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be prepared to take Calculus. Prerequisite: B- or above in Algebra II or special permission from the teacher.
Calculus (2 Semesters, 1 Credit – High School; 3 Semester Credits – College)
Calculus is offered for concurrent college credit. In this course students will study functions and limits, derivatives with their rules and applications, and integrals with their techniques and applications. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be prepared to take a second semester of Calculus. Prerequisite: B- or above in PreCalculus or special permission from the teacher.
Physical Science (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course emphasizes the development of basic scientific skills and concepts in chemistry and physics. In addition, scientific vocabulary, laboratory skills and reading comprehension will be addressed to assist students in furthering their science education.
Biology (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
Is the study of living organisms and the processes of life. Topics include microscope (types and usage), the cell (structure and function), cellular energy (respiration, fermentation, photosynthesis), mitosis, meiosis, genetics (chromosomes, genes, inheritance, mutations and disorders, genetic engineering), some botany, some microbiology (virus, bacteria), invertebrates and vertebrates. Biology related careers are covered as well as dissection of specimens. Labs are included and required.
Chemistry (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
A study of atomic structure and how it relates to the physical properties and characteristics of the elements. Chemical composition and reactions are studied as well as the chemistry of solids, liquids, gases, acids, and bases. Lab work is required. Prerequisite: Algebra I
Anatomy and Physiology (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
Anatomy and Physiology is an elective two-semester lab science course that covers the basic structure and function of the human body using a systems approach. Major topics covered include histology, skeletal, muscular, integumentary, cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems. Minor topics covered include respiratory, urinary, lymphatic, and reproductive systems. Laboratory work includes required dissection of preserved animal specimens, microscopy, models and experimental demonstration of concepts covered in class. This course is designed primarily for students majoring in nursing or allied health fields. There is a $30 lab fee for this class. Prerequisite: “C” in Biology or permission from the teacher. Students are required to maintain a “C” average to remain in this class.
Physics (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
Physics is an elective two-semester project-based science course that includes a study of the principles in motion, sound, light, electricity and magnetism. This course is intended for students to use inquiry and investigate physics principles. Then students will create a project based on a scenario that will explain and demonstrate learned principles. Lab work and maintaining a lab notebook on a regular basis is required. Prerequisite: “C” in Algebra II or permission from the teacher.
NOTE: Students are expected to work in the science lab using mature and safe behavior. They will participate in cooperative learning, follow directions, make careful measurements and observations, and clearly communicate the meaning of their experimental results.
English I (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
An introduction to writing and reading with increasing complexity. The class includes extensive writing practice with special emphasis on the essay, as well as research writing and creative writing units.
A variety of literary forms improve reading: short story, drama, nonfiction, poetry, and the novel. The primary purpose of reading in this class is to develop appreciation for quality literature while increasing vocabulary and reading comprehension.
English II (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
A continuation of skill building in writing and reading with increasing complexity. The class includes renewed practice of essay writing, as well as research writing and creative writing units. A variety of literary forms, with advanced complexity are studied: short story, drama, nonfiction, poetry, and the novel. The primary purpose of reading in this class is to develop an appreciation for quality literature while also increasing vocabulary and reading comprehension.
English III (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course offers a survey of British literature and continued honing of writing and presentation skills. From Chaucer to Shakespeare to Orwell, special emphasis is placed on developing reading skills and complex literary analysis. Interested students may take this course for Honors credit.
English IV (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
A survey of literature from major world cultures, both ancient and modern. Equal attention is paid to cultural literacy, literary analysis, and writing. In-class essays and longer papers are emphasized. Class meets one semester. Interested students may take this course for Honors credit and the AP Language & Composition exam in addition to this class.
College Writing Prep (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
An intensive writing course for improving and expanding writing skills in various forms in preparation for college entrance. This course is designed to prepare students for writing at the college level, and emphasizes academic essay writing and the research writing process and paper production. Students give oral presentations work in this course as well. Interested students may take this course for Honors credit and the AP Language & Composition exam in addition to this class.
Modern World History (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course provides a general overview to contemporary world history, beginning with the Industrial Revolution. The rise of imperialism, capitalism, and communism are examined as students study such events as World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War.
U.S. History and Government (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
This course begins with the early exploration and settlement of the New World and closes at the end of the nineteenth century. Major events examined include Colonial Society, Revolutionary Era, Development of the Constitution, the Civil War and Reconstruction, Social Movements, Industrialism, the Native Americans and the Western Frontier, and the development and influence of American art, philosophy, religion, and literature.
Contemporary World Problems & Geography (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
Students learn about the geography of the various continents and countries of the world, including the 5 themes of geography: why a place is located where it is, what it is like, what the significance of its location is, and the issues that affect it. Students also learn how to read and draw maps and to recall place names and locations. Geography includes climate patterns, how to study people and cultures and how to use various geographic tools. This study includes an examination of environmental issues facing our world society.
History through Film & Literature (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
History as viewed through the cultural mediums of literature and selected films. The student will evaluate the impact of these mediums upon the average person in society. Mini units with selected themes such as slavery, genocide, and civil rights will be offered and evaluated.
Civics (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
This course will provide a comprehensive background for the understanding of United States citizenship and the foundations and operation of the federal, state and local government organizations and procedures, with special emphasis on the rights and responsibilities of Washington citizens. Students will apply this understanding to current event topics relevant to our nation and election issues. They will be able to analyze and interpret data relevant to government and politics, and be able to critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop connections throughout this course. This course will emphasize civic participation by the students.
Washington State History (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
Students examine and analyze the history of our state from the earliest human contact through to the present day. Units on the explorers, the coastal and inland Native American cultures, and the settlement of the West are included. The Indian Wars are studied as well as the territorial and statehood eras. The semester concludes with study of contemporary issues facing our state.
Spanish I (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
The principal emphasis of the first year of Spanish is understanding the language and learning to speak it through the study of grammar and vocabulary. The class also attempts to build a better understanding of the customs, language and peoples of the Hispanic world.
Spanish II (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
The second year of the language seeks to expand the student’s knowledge of grammar and vocabulary so that they may communicate and understand the language on a more advanced level. Writing and reading the language is also emphasized as well as an appreciation of and exposure to the Hispanic culture. Students with less than a 70% at the end of the first semester will be dropped from the class.
Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in Spanish I or permission from the teacher.
English as a Second Language (ESL) (.5 Credit per Semester)
ESL is an introductory class for students whose first language is not English. Students who are not yet proficient in English, as determined by placement tests, will be required to enroll in ESL until satisfactory skills are acquired and a minimum TOEFL score of 61 (IBT). Students who are enrolled in ESL class may receive a pass/fail grade in some subjects until the teacher deems the student has a sufficient mastery of the English language to comprehend and communicate subject concepts. An extra fee is charged for ESL class. This class includes cultural awareness and students will have mandatory activities outside of school hours.
Physical Education I/II (3 Semesters total, 1.5 Credits)
Team and individual sports are covered. Fitness testing is done twice a year. Participation, cooperation and sportsmanship are emphasized. Advanced strategy and skill is stressed.
Health - (1 Semester, .5 Credit)
This course focuses on the importance of healthful living and making responsible choices conducive to life-long wellness. Students will explore the biblical principles of healthy living as well as the connection between physical activity, life-style choices, and wellness.
Varsity Sports (Can apply up to .25 Credits per Sport with registrar and teacher pre-approved permission)
This course involves the strenuous conditioning, advanced skill and strategy development, practice time and game involvement required for membership on academy varsity teams. Extra fee and permission from instructor required.
Computer Applications (2 Semesters, 1 Credit)
The course introduces students to a variety of applications of computer technology using current operating systems and cloud platforms. These include Desktop Publishing tools, Microsoft Office applications, and video editing tools. Students will be challenged to improve keyboarding skills with focus on speed and accuracy. History of computers and computer ethics are also covered.
Art (.25 Credit per Semester)
A survey class of diverse techniques: drawing, watercolor, mix media, and acrylic painting. Throughout the year, artists and art styles will be researched; at the end of the year, students will show their work in a community Art Exhibition. Grading is based on individual proficiency and participation.
Band (.25 Credit per Semester)
Band is offered to those who have some proficiency with a musical instrument. Varied styles of secular and religious music may be performed at schools, churches, and special events. An audition may be required for chair placement. Participation is required at all performances. Students may not drop during the semester. A one-year commitment is encouraged.
Choir (.25 Credit per Semester)
A general singing group open to interested students. All aspects of proper vocal technique are emphasized, particularly those dealing with group singing. The choir may perform at local churches, service clubs, and other special events. Participation is required at all performances. Students may not drop during the semester. A one-year commitment is encouraged.
Community Service (25 hours)
All students are required to complete personal community service. Please see the Chaplain’s office for hourly details. The biennially scheduled international mission trip counts for up to 12 hours.
Work Experience
Limited on campus work experience positions are available.
Correspondence Classes/Distance Learning
Puget Sound Adventist Academy has partnered with Greenways Academy of Washington to offer elective classes to students through their correspondence program. Please visit our web site for a link, or go directly to www.greenwaysacademy.com/washington for class details. Other online distance learning programs may be acceptable with school approval.